Monday, April 20, 2009

Internet Safety Sharing

I decided to talk with my mom, who is 46 years old. I first asked her what she knew about internet safety. Then I told her what we did in our assignment as well as my insights, thoughts, and opinions.
I never really thought about it, but awhile ago my mom put some kind of internet safety thing called cyber patrol on our computer at home. At this same time, we had just moved and the den where the computer is is open so that anyone can see the screen if someone is on the computer. She told me about cyber patrol and why she did it and why the computer is where it is. Most things I never took any thought to until now. My mom found out about cyber patrol because my mom didn't like some of the things we went to, so she researched it and asked a computer guy. He told her about cyber patrol and so she signed up for it and pays for it. She said that she knows we hate it because she always has to unlock things for us-for example, facebook-soooo dumb, everytime I want to use it at home, my mom has to unlock it. I guess it's good though. My mom thinks that cyber patrol and other internet blockers aren't very good though because technology is so advanced that people can still see things that they shouldn't that isn't blocked by cyber patrol. There are ways to get around them-they don't totally do everything you want them to.
It was quite informative to talk with my mom. She recognizes that she is not at all informed, but tries her best to protect her children.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Internet Safety

For my fourth article, I chose to read a talk by Elder Spencer J. Condie titled "Mushrooms, Music, Movies, and Magazines." He began the talk by discussing a poisonous mushroom that can be deadly when eaten. He said that are mushrooms that are "look-alikes" and mushrooms that are "doubtfuls." He then went on to talk about how music, movies, and magazines have a lot in common with mushrooms. He also talked about the importance of choice and choosing wisely. He related how, like mushrooms, they can provide nutrition, but to the soul. This is why it is so important to choose wisely what we put into our bodies and soul. He gave a checklist which I found helpful to aid us in determining whether the things we listen to,read, and watch are poisonous or wholesome. His ending phrase stuck out to me: "Remember, too, that sometimes the slowest poisons are the most deadly."

For me as a future parent and teacher, I think it is important to help children understand that there are many advantages of technology, specifically the media. I feel that it is important to give children a variety of different ways and purposes to use media for good. I feel that it is also important to help them choose wisely what they use/view/read and to give them suggestions of what they can do in times of danger. I also think that when I talk about what I have learned about internet safety with family and friends, they, too, will think a little more deeper about their own use of the media as well as their friends and family as a whole.

*One thing that I learned about others' project presentations is that my own personal labtop can be used in a very appealing lesson. One can do wonders with a laptop, especially when the school doesn't have good technology resources.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Technology Enhanced Lesson Plan

I am interested in doing a lesson with the thermometers like we did in class. In the first-grade classroom that I am in, we are currently doing a water unit. I have discussed with my teacher what my ideas were. She told me about doing water centers. By doing water centers, I wouldn't need to have many computers and thermometers. I could just use one laptop with a thermometer and use it in one of my water centers. Thus, the lesson plan for this center would use a laptop and thermometer. The objective would be to observe and measure characteristics of water. I would have a cup of room temperature water with the laptop and thermometer. I would also have a cup of ice cold water. I have created a worksheet where children can look at a pictures of thermometers and write down the temperature. At the end of the worksheet, they will be asked to read the thermometer and measure the temperatures of the room temperature water and the ice water. Afterwards, they will be free to play with the thermometers as we did in class. Perhaps they can try to write the first letter of their names with the thermometers. I will do my water centers this Friday in the morning. I look forward to this activity as all other activities and experiments done with water were a hit!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Technology-enhanced lesson

Right now in my first grade class, we are doing a water unit. The students have had an introduction to water and have learned about the water cycle. The water unit will last for a couple weeks. To enhance a lesson with technology, I think it would be fun to let children use the temperature thermometers that hook up to a computer. (We used these in class.) The students will need to learn about water as a solid, liquid, and gas. They will also need to know how water can change states. Thus, I can teach about water as a solid, liquid, and gas by showing water in each of these forms. Then, we can discuss how water came to be in that form. Afterwards, we can use the thermometers to measure the temperature of water in each of the stages. We can also perform experiments such as seeing how ice, the solid, melts into water, the liquid. During this time we can measure the temperature and see how quickly it changes. Children can also do activities like we did in class and see if they can make fun pictures with their thermometers. In this process, we have taught the content with technology. The teacher can continually teach as she models. (Review what children already know and have learned about water. Introduce different states of water with example so that children can see them. Talk about what happened and why. Model how to use the thermometers. Model and explain how children will do the activities/experiments. Have children make some sort of graph or table or write a paragraph where there show and/or explain their findings.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tech Inventory

I was quite surprised by the lack of technology that I have at my cohort school. There are many schools surrounding my school, many of which are quite new and very nice, but very lacking as far as technology goes. I was also surprised at how uninformed the teachers are as to what is available. I do not think they know much about what they can do and therefore do not use it. As far as I know, there are no smartboards. There are also no Macs (thank goodness!:-) Every classroom has at least one student computer and one teacher computer. They also have an overhead. I noticed in the technology room that there was access to a projector, TV, VCR/DVD player, and opportunities to visit one of two computer labs that they need to sign up for. One of the labs is normally in use by the students who go there for specials. I hope that schools will continually try to improve in their technological resources as that is becoming more and more useful with time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Google Earth Virtual Tour

So, I am not the most computer savvy person, but I put my link under the "my links" on the left hand side of the blog. So, to get to the virtual tour I made, you have to go there and click on it. It will then take you to where the saved file is. Enjoy:-)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Google Earth Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1.Grand Canyon (Arizona)Which river carves this steep sided gorge? Draw how you think this happens.Terrain tool, Wikipedia
2.Mt. Everest (Nepal/Tibet)Which mtn range? Heigth?Wikipedia
3.Sahara Desert This desert gets its name from the Arabic word Sahra. See if you can find out what this word means.Wikipedia
4.Angel waterfall (Venezuela)Write down how tall you predict 3,212 feet to be. About how many yardsticks would that be?Panoramio
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:path tool to show the path of our tour.

Content: Standard 3 (Develop an understanding of environment) Objective 3 (Demonstrate how symbols and models are used to represent features of the environment. The technology objective we used in digital storytelling is also appropriate!

Pedagogy/Technology: The content for this lesson is for the younger grades. I was thinking first or second. Thus, I think it would be fun to read a book that talks about different features of the world that are natural. I have not yet looked up specifics though. This will make children more excited and curious as to what the next part of the lesson will be. After the book, we can talk together as a class about different features formed naturally. This will help children better understand their environment. We will then use Google Earth to look up some of the features from the book, and also use Google Earth to do the virtual tour of four natural features that I found. This will be good for children because they can actually go to features formed naturally. Hopefully they can get a good idea of these features and what they look like. They will also have a better understanding of where these features are located.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Digital Storytelling-My digital story!

Here is where one can go to watch the digital story that my younger siblings and I created. ENJOY!


Over the long weekend I got to work on my digital story with my younger siblings. I haven't yet posted my storyboard because I worked on it over the weekend with them. They drew all of the pictures and helped with the taking and organization of the pictures. They also helped me in writing the story. It was quite fun! They are all very excited to see the final product. So, since I haven't yet posted the storyboard, here it is!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 5-Digital Storytelling/TPACK

I am going home for the long President's Day weekend and have decided to do my digital story with my younger siblings. The three youngest siblings are adopted from China. They are all in the second grade, but they aren't triplets. I thought it would be neat to work with them on a story. Two of them even received cameras for Christmas, so they will think it's pretty fun to make stories out of their pictures. Because they are from China, I thought it would be neat to do a "family story" and let them do a short autobiography about themselves. I will be doing it this weekend, thus, I have no photos, music, etc. I just have ideas of what I want to do. I will focus on the K-3 Language Arts Standard 1, Objective 2, which is specifically about what we are doing-stories and technology (media). I will also be focusing on the K-3 Core Content Standard 2, Objective 1 which deals with the family and relationships in the family. My younger siblings and I will do a family story with photos and music. We will work on the storyboard together as well. After the digital story is finished, I will let them explore with their own cameras and try to make one up themselves. (Pedagogy) For Technology, I will load photostory on our home computer so that they can work with that as well.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

TPACK for Tech Savvy Teacher

The content that I will be using in my science lesson deals with health and the importance of a healthy, balanced diet.  Second graders will learn about the different food groups and the importance of each food group.  At the end of the lesson, they will create their own healthy, balanced diet.

The pedagogy in the lesson is doing hands-on activities.  I know that I learn best by doing.  Thus, students will be doing hands-on activities during the teaching and learning process.  One of these activities is using technology-Kidsperation and digital cameras to be exact-to sort foods into food groups and then create their own balanced diet.  Both the pedagogy and technology fit extremely well with the content because they both deal with exactly what is to be studied.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Tech Savvy Teacher


In an effort to use more technology in the classroom, teachers from all over the world are coming up with technology enhanced lesson plans.  Here is an example of one that I came up with for second graders using Kidsperation and pictures from a digital camera.  The topic is health and the importance of a balanced diet.

I like food! Thus, I decided to try out a lesson dealing with food and technology. I think it would be fun to learn about why it is important to eat a variety of different foods, and then create a
real, balanced diet! To start out, I chose to make a lesson for second graders with these goals in mind:

Standard: Students will develop a sense of self.
Objective: Describe and adopt behaviors for health and safety.
                    a. Explain the importance of balance in a diet.

First, it is important to understand the food pyramid and the fact that foods can be sorted into their food groups (in the food pyramid).  I used Kidsperation to let students use technology to sort foods into their food groups.  This is what the template first looked like in Kidsperation:

Then, I played with this template in Kidsperation and did my own sorting activity.  Here is the result:

I could have even made my own balanced meal in the center.  I knew that I would be doing that later on though, so for now I just practiced sorting foods into their food groups.  

After doing this, we can talk about the importance of eating healthy and having a balanced diet. We can even discuss vitamins and minerals and why it is important to eat foods from each food group.  Afterwards, students can do various activities to apply the knowledge they have learned.  I chose to make my own balanced lunch with real foods that I had at home.  If I were in a class setting, I would just bring the foods to class.

I took out a variety of foods.  Here is my selection.

Then I separated the foods into healthy and not healthy.  I want to have a healthy, balanced meal.

Lastly, I created a balanced meal from the food items in the healthy section.  As one can see here, foods from all food groups are represented.

This is an enjoyable and interesting lesson that children love.  Who doesn't enjoy working with food?!  Children can even do this and actually eat it for lunch too!  

Through the use of technology, children are able to visually see what foods fit into which food groups while having fun.  Not only is it fun and interactive, but children learn in the process and are more likely to remember the things which they have been learning.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

During one of our technology classes I became familiar with Stellarium.  This is a pretty neat tool because you can look at the sky at any time of the day and year.  You can also go to different parts of the world to see how the sky looks.  You can make time go faster.  You can search for things in particular and zoom in.  I liked how you can have the constellations drawn on your screen.  I also like how this is a free downloadable tool that I can use.  VERY COOL!
TPACK stands for Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge.  Technological Knowledge is using being able to use technology.  Pedagogical Knowledge is how to teach, and Content Knowledge is the knowledge about a particular subject, like science.  It is ideal when teachers teach with all types of knowledge.  It is best when teachers know there subject well, know how to teach it well, and use technology in their teaching.  When students can use the technology it is even better.  An Engineer might have content knowledge, but perhaps not pedagogical knowledge because he does not teach it.  If he were a Engineer Professor, maybe he would have both pedagogical and content knowledge.  When he effectively uses Technology, then he has all components of TPACK.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

RSS feeds are excellent to have because then you can have a variety of different ways to get information easily, both educational information, and also info for fun. Web 2.0 is also very nice because we have things like Goodreads accounts and Delicious accounts that help in organization skills. Through these accounts, I can manage ideas and information for educational purposes, and also for personal purposes. Through these things, I can also hook up with other people and see what their preferences are and get good ideas through them. With time, I will have a variety of helpful resources to aid me in my future teaching.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Background History

As far as my technology background goes, let's just say that I am a technology idiot.  If I sit down at something and work at it for a long while, usually I can come out with what I want, but I probably had to ask questions.  Thus, it will be really fun creating and working with this blog, if you know what I mean!  I guess my background history with technology is far better than my parents who, believe it or not, ask me for computer help.  I haven't had any jobs that deal with computers besides the job that I now have.

In 2006 I worked in the Bindery and Periodicals Department of the Harold B. Lee Library of Brigham Young University.  I was mainly responsible for binding monographs for the majority of my time there.  Towards the end of my time at this phase of my life, I worked with periodicals and at the Reference Desk.  Here, I learned a lot about research and was required to help people with their technology problems.  Needless to say, I learned a whole lot, but was and continue to be nervous when patrons come to me with questions.  At the end of 2006 I took a break for a couple years.  Upon my return I had the privilege of having my job back.  Today I work in both the Bindery and Periodicals Departments.  I have many questions and am still recalling the many things that I learned in 2006.  I am excited to become more knowledgable in technology as I know that it will be very helpful in the future.