Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tech Inventory

I was quite surprised by the lack of technology that I have at my cohort school. There are many schools surrounding my school, many of which are quite new and very nice, but very lacking as far as technology goes. I was also surprised at how uninformed the teachers are as to what is available. I do not think they know much about what they can do and therefore do not use it. As far as I know, there are no smartboards. There are also no Macs (thank goodness!:-) Every classroom has at least one student computer and one teacher computer. They also have an overhead. I noticed in the technology room that there was access to a projector, TV, VCR/DVD player, and opportunities to visit one of two computer labs that they need to sign up for. One of the labs is normally in use by the students who go there for specials. I hope that schools will continually try to improve in their technological resources as that is becoming more and more useful with time.

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