Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Internet Safety

For my fourth article, I chose to read a talk by Elder Spencer J. Condie titled "Mushrooms, Music, Movies, and Magazines." He began the talk by discussing a poisonous mushroom that can be deadly when eaten. He said that are mushrooms that are "look-alikes" and mushrooms that are "doubtfuls." He then went on to talk about how music, movies, and magazines have a lot in common with mushrooms. He also talked about the importance of choice and choosing wisely. He related how, like mushrooms, they can provide nutrition, but to the soul. This is why it is so important to choose wisely what we put into our bodies and soul. He gave a checklist which I found helpful to aid us in determining whether the things we listen to,read, and watch are poisonous or wholesome. His ending phrase stuck out to me: "Remember, too, that sometimes the slowest poisons are the most deadly."

For me as a future parent and teacher, I think it is important to help children understand that there are many advantages of technology, specifically the media. I feel that it is important to give children a variety of different ways and purposes to use media for good. I feel that it is also important to help them choose wisely what they use/view/read and to give them suggestions of what they can do in times of danger. I also think that when I talk about what I have learned about internet safety with family and friends, they, too, will think a little more deeper about their own use of the media as well as their friends and family as a whole.

*One thing that I learned about others' project presentations is that my own personal labtop can be used in a very appealing lesson. One can do wonders with a laptop, especially when the school doesn't have good technology resources.

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